I must apologise once again for being gone so long. Real life interfered on a scope I couldn't predict. However, I am back now and am ready to start posting again.
These were the pictures I didn't get around to post before.
Cutting and Gluing the bodies. |
I admit, the yellow tint makes it look more like a chicken then a penguin but it still came out cute. |
Some of the best ones were the ones where texture had been scratched into the paint with the end of the brush. |
Instead of white glue, I use the Elmer's Blue Gel Glue. The bottles are SO much easier to unclog. |
Belly attached and now working on the eyes. |
This one is finished! |
All of these came from my other first grade class. We only have two of every grade in our school. |
The finished bulletin board. |
I seriously love the expression on these. |
The pink one looks like he's glaring at the blue one. The blue one looks like he's done something shifty. |
This girl couldn't resist giving her penguin hair. Love the rainbow belly on the one next to her. |
Students were supposed to match the flippers to the body, but it didn't always work. Ah well, they're all still cute! |
My next few posts will be me catching up on things I meant to get to. Once I'm caught up you can look forward to brand new lessons!