My apologies for the late welcome back to school! I realize that the school year started a while ago but I have only just had time to update (3rd grade went on a field trip!). This summer I spent my August moving into my new classroom, unpacking my supplies (special thanks to my husband for taking a day off to help me with my 54 boxes), and deciding how to arrange my new space.
One weird thing about the new school is that there is only one small bulletin board inside my classroom. One. Small. Bulletin Board. And because the building is new, our town's administration was freaking out about the walls getting ruined with tape or poster tack or whatever. We had to use specially approved items to hang anything anywhere. It was a bit ridiculous. Still, I got it done.
I have never before been so organized:
My Vocab Wall is divided into three sections. |
Shapes and Forms Word Wall. |
Color Family Word Wall |
Line Type Word Wall |
My lonely little bulletin board. |
Only one tiny whiteboard to write on. My Art Essential Questions as written by the district curriculum above. |
Elements of Art |
Look! Two Sinks! |
I love these containers. LOVE them. Everything stacks and fits so nicely. |
I can't believe I actually have extra space in some cabinets. |
My counters haven't been this un-cluttered in years. |
Marker Storage, including extra caps for when someone looses one. |
Extra crayons and refills. |
Oil crayons, chalks, and inks. |
I have to admit though, there's not a lot of stuff on the top shelf because I have trouble reaching it. |
Two sinks, but only one paper towel dispenser. That was a swing and a miss. |
Is there anything prettier then organized paint? |
Finger paints, stampers, texture tools, and palettes all have homes now! |
Room to grow! |
My paper has never looked so pretty! |
Even my drawing papers look great now. |
Happiness is organized prints. Landscapes, Animals, Portraits, Still Lives and Abstract/Non-objectives all have the own shelves now. |
I even scored a bonus closet for my books. |
I can't remember the last time everything fit so nicely. |
Under sink storage too. |
Have I mentioned the storage? |
New giant drying rack with shelves that open and lock in place. |
A smart board! And it works! |